
Face to face therapy, just like in the office.




Our telehealth therapy services are simple, easy to use, and available everywhere. There are no downloads or accounts involved - all you need is a device with a camera, a microphone, and your browser of choice. We adhere to all HIPAA data privacy requirements, so you can be rest assured knowing that your data is safe and secure.

Step 1

Use any device with a camera and a microphone.

Step 2

Click on your providers link in your email.

Step 3

Allow your browser to access your camera and microphone.

Step 4

Type in your name and click check in.

Step 5

Wait for your care provider to start the visit.





Convenient & Easy

Our telehealth services are simple, easy to use, and available everywhere. Whether you're an Individual, Couple, Group, or Family, you can expect the same care virtually as you can in person.

No Setup Required

There are no downloads or accounts involved - all you need is a device with a camera and a microphone, and your browser of choice.

Safe & Secure

We adhere to all HIPAA data privacy requirements, so you can be rest assured knowing that your data is safe and secure.

Set up an appointment.

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